taylor bryant pop punk

Drown in You

I think at the surface this is another song about a failed or struggling relationship but I find a lot of parallels with it to my inner struggles and mental hurdles I have to jump weekly. It’s like everything you want that is worth anything is usually on the other side of hard work and fear. Trying to get there and just own it and not bail is so easy when people say it that have made it but when you’re in the depths of it it really smacks you in the mouth. Drown in You yes could be relational to someone but I also think it can be something even you’re pursuing. ‘You can drag me though hell and I’ll still be right here’ To me that means my music career, no matter how many days I want to give up because the needle doesn’t feel like its moving I have to keep pushing and just think to myself, ‘They don’t know you, they just don’t see it yet’. One day it’s all going to make sense I have to just keep going. I mean what else am I going to do anyways? I’ve thought about about life and death and when I turn 80 I will NEVER regret a song I recorded and put painstaking hours and love and effort into. So if it takes other people a little time to catch on that’s okay. I’ll still be here grinding and doing what makes me want to wake up every day. I hope you find what does that for you, even if no one cares about it right now but you. They will in time. Much Love TB