taylor bryant

Just Dust - Fall From Grace

From the top of the cathedral to the bottom of the barrel. People of all shapes and forms and colors have been through so much BS in the last five years. This song and the next four on this EP are an amalgam of my frustration over the last few years of how awful we’ve become towards each other. I don’t think it is inherently our fault when the machine is pushing us to fight and kill each other over scraps. How much longer can we keep this up? With the rigged election coming this November, I don’t see much good in the future on the outside; sometimes, you have to look inside. Fall From Grace is us choosing to neglect the values we know are correct. But when the tube is on (or our phones in hand) and cranked at full volume at full doom-scroll speed, it’s hard to get a clue. Trust me, I get it. This upcoming EP is me trying my best to wake people up in every way possible to STOP giving in to the things that are killing the world we know. ‘Such little gold for your soul.’ I have seen people sell out in ways unimaginable over the last few years, and it’s sickening. Do not trade freedom for security. Will we Fall From Grace or Prevail? I guess we’ve all got a front-row seat to the show. Much Love TB

Love it & Leave it There

If you’ve read any amount of my lyrics or blog posts about any of my songs, I think you’ll see that none of them are black and white with the meaning of the song. ‘Love it & Leave it There’ is no different. I feel that the song embodies the feelings of whether it’s a person you love (or used to) or a career, friendship, or anything in between that sometimes you have to let it go no matter how you feel about it. If it’s a relationship, sometimes it just gets to be too much, and the person doesn’t feel the same as they once did, or maybe it’s your feelings that have changed. Perhaps it’s a ‘drug’ or something you are addicted to that you may love but it’s not what’s best for you. I’d argue that, in most cases, it probably wasn’t true love anyway. At the end of the day, we are on a spinning rock in space where nothing is promised day to day. Cherish what you love for as long as you have it, and If all signs point to letting it go, then do what is necessary. I hope you find your purpose however and don’t let go of it until it’s your time to go. Much Love TB

10 Min Manifest

"A rising tide lifts all boats" I think there’s been plenty of times in my life where I’ve had drastic ups and downs and it’s simply as the wind blows. What I’ve learned is no matter what happens you have to find a reason to keep going no matter what the reason is. ‘I don’t wanna be a loner at the top’ this is me manifesting on the spot. I’ve been on both sides of the coin of jealousy and it’s a losing battle either way. I decided a while back that I was going to force myself to be happy even for my enemies because someone with that attitude is completely unstoppable. No one that’s working harder than you has time to talk bad about you. Because guess why? They’re grinding, all the while you’re getting further behind; no longer. We’re on the way up baby no matter if they see it or not. I’m very grateful for my days as of late, I’m learning that you can’t lose when you’re thankful for the very breath in your lungs. I have been tested and tested the last year dealing with life threatening medical issues to family stress and no being able to work but I’m manifesting the life I always wanted and doing everything I want to do. I hope you do the same my friend. Much Love TB

JUST DUST - The Machine

If the fuel is the media then the flame has all of us burning alive. We are being sold on agenda’s and beliefs we know aren’t true but because the establishment or a certain side or party is affiliated with it then we must support it or we’re forced to be the outcast. No thanks I’ll continue on alone if that’s what it takes. I hope this track seriously resonates in someones spirit because there are too many things we’ve let slide these last few years. It’s time we THINK for ourselves and realize we don’t have to conform, don’t have to act or pretend to be something we’re not anymore. “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” - G. Michael Hopf It is time to change the narrative. The Machine needs to be brought to it’s knees because it is no longer serving it’s purpose (if it ever did). I think we were promised a lot of thing’s that are smoke and mirrors and the gun always seems to be smoking in our hands when the buck stops. People are starting to wake up and this is the beginning of a new wave and even if it looks like the end I’ll die defending life, values, people, God and a country that helps the helpless. I refuse to give in to the sickness that is running rampant currently. If you don’t wake up it may be your head on the chopping block next. The time for being timid is over. Please relate. Much Love TB

All Your Life

Honestly the first time I heard the mastered version of this song I cried. I just knew that it would help people struggling mentally, physically and spiritually that really needed to hear it. I believe that is my mission with all of the music I’ve made from Metal to Pop. No matter what you are making at the end of the day the main goal is for it to resonate for a particular avatar. I feel that with each of my music releases I learn something new as I go through the process of writing it but also as I release it I learn a lot as well. This last few months has been tough for me lately. I don’t feel as many eyes (and ears) that I know I’m capable of reaching are hearing what I want to say, feels like the world is shouting and I can either stoop to their level and yell or I can continue doing what I’m doing and slowly let people notice my message and let it resonate for them. I’m grateful that God has given me the drive to push through even almost daily my mind tries to trick me into thinking ‘what are you doing this for’ but I refuse, I must. I keep cycling through thoughts of, if I wasn’t doing this then I’d have zero direction and purpose. Just because no ones paying attention now does not mean it will be this way forever. I know what I make is not for everyone but no one else can make what I make and same goes for you. That is your superpower. Do not give up because of numbers and bleeps and bloops on a computer screen, the love you poor into what you make is what keeps you going and at turning point will be what keeps other people going. If you don’t give up then you cannot fail. Much Love TB

Drown in You

I think at the surface this is another song about a failed or struggling relationship but I find a lot of parallels with it to my inner struggles and mental hurdles I have to jump weekly. It’s like everything you want that is worth anything is usually on the other side of hard work and fear. Trying to get there and just own it and not bail is so easy when people say it that have made it but when you’re in the depths of it it really smacks you in the mouth. Drown in You yes could be relational to someone but I also think it can be something even you’re pursuing. ‘You can drag me though hell and I’ll still be right here’ To me that means my music career, no matter how many days I want to give up because the needle doesn’t feel like its moving I have to keep pushing and just think to myself, ‘They don’t know you, they just don’t see it yet’. One day it’s all going to make sense I have to just keep going. I mean what else am I going to do anyways? I’ve thought about about life and death and when I turn 80 I will NEVER regret a song I recorded and put painstaking hours and love and effort into. So if it takes other people a little time to catch on that’s okay. I’ll still be here grinding and doing what makes me want to wake up every day. I hope you find what does that for you, even if no one cares about it right now but you. They will in time. Much Love TB

Striking Matches

I’ve spent lots of different times in my life wasting time. It’s very easy to do with people that don’t deserve your time, jobs, relationships and anything that is not serving you are a moving force. I think the lyrics of Striking Matches may seem directly correlated to a person or relationship with them but I look at it as much more broad. Any number of things can not be serving you that you are putting your time into that you don’t enjoy. Im not saying neglect what you’ve got to get done and do but I’ve noticed recently there were jobs that I hated and yet I kept coming back to day after day even though it was slowly killing me inside. When I had a stroke a few months back it just shifted my mindset and I don’t plan on doing jobs or having relationships that don’t serve me going forward. But the best part is, it’s not been a waste of time because it’s gotten you here, to this exact point. Perhaps even to the realization that you needed to see that this wasn’t serving you. So don’t get down on yourself over it just learn what you can do going forward to better direct and serve yourself. Much Love TB

Summer Bummer

Very ironically I wrote this song kind of about myself.

I recently had a stroke and before then I would get so upset over sometimes the most minute of things. After the stroke I really have much more of an appreciation for the exact second of the present and every given minute of my day. I think I received a much needed reset that has shown me so many things about myself that I needed to work on. I think the old me would be almost annoyed or feel too overwhelmed at the list of things I need to work on but the new me says, no it’s okay I can do this. So yes there are certainly a few Summer Bummer’s (girls Ive been with lol) that this song definitely triggers emotions of but hilariously I relate to it myself more than anything. It just goes to show you need to recalibrate sometimes when life gets too heavy, sometimes you have to stop while everyone else seems to be passing you, pull this car over and unload the baggage that you’ve been carrying for far too long. So I hope you unload your baggage. Don’t be your own Summer Bummer. Much love TB