taylor bryant all your life

All Your Life

Honestly the first time I heard the mastered version of this song I cried. I just knew that it would help people struggling mentally, physically and spiritually that really needed to hear it. I believe that is my mission with all of the music I’ve made from Metal to Pop. No matter what you are making at the end of the day the main goal is for it to resonate for a particular avatar. I feel that with each of my music releases I learn something new as I go through the process of writing it but also as I release it I learn a lot as well. This last few months has been tough for me lately. I don’t feel as many eyes (and ears) that I know I’m capable of reaching are hearing what I want to say, feels like the world is shouting and I can either stoop to their level and yell or I can continue doing what I’m doing and slowly let people notice my message and let it resonate for them. I’m grateful that God has given me the drive to push through even almost daily my mind tries to trick me into thinking ‘what are you doing this for’ but I refuse, I must. I keep cycling through thoughts of, if I wasn’t doing this then I’d have zero direction and purpose. Just because no ones paying attention now does not mean it will be this way forever. I know what I make is not for everyone but no one else can make what I make and same goes for you. That is your superpower. Do not give up because of numbers and bleeps and bloops on a computer screen, the love you poor into what you make is what keeps you going and at turning point will be what keeps other people going. If you don’t give up then you cannot fail. Much Love TB