just dust fall from grace

Just Dust - Fall From Grace

From the top of the cathedral to the bottom of the barrel. People of all shapes and forms and colors have been through so much BS in the last five years. This song and the next four on this EP are an amalgam of my frustration over the last few years of how awful we’ve become towards each other. I don’t think it is inherently our fault when the machine is pushing us to fight and kill each other over scraps. How much longer can we keep this up? With the rigged election coming this November, I don’t see much good in the future on the outside; sometimes, you have to look inside. Fall From Grace is us choosing to neglect the values we know are correct. But when the tube is on (or our phones in hand) and cranked at full volume at full doom-scroll speed, it’s hard to get a clue. Trust me, I get it. This upcoming EP is me trying my best to wake people up in every way possible to STOP giving in to the things that are killing the world we know. ‘Such little gold for your soul.’ I have seen people sell out in ways unimaginable over the last few years, and it’s sickening. Do not trade freedom for security. Will we Fall From Grace or Prevail? I guess we’ve all got a front-row seat to the show. Much Love TB