
JUST DUST - The Machine

If the fuel is the media then the flame has all of us burning alive. We are being sold on agenda’s and beliefs we know aren’t true but because the establishment or a certain side or party is affiliated with it then we must support it or we’re forced to be the outcast. No thanks I’ll continue on alone if that’s what it takes. I hope this track seriously resonates in someones spirit because there are too many things we’ve let slide these last few years. It’s time we THINK for ourselves and realize we don’t have to conform, don’t have to act or pretend to be something we’re not anymore. “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” - G. Michael Hopf It is time to change the narrative. The Machine needs to be brought to it’s knees because it is no longer serving it’s purpose (if it ever did). I think we were promised a lot of thing’s that are smoke and mirrors and the gun always seems to be smoking in our hands when the buck stops. People are starting to wake up and this is the beginning of a new wave and even if it looks like the end I’ll die defending life, values, people, God and a country that helps the helpless. I refuse to give in to the sickness that is running rampant currently. If you don’t wake up it may be your head on the chopping block next. The time for being timid is over. Please relate. Much Love TB