pop rock

Striking Matches

I’ve spent lots of different times in my life wasting time. It’s very easy to do with people that don’t deserve your time, jobs, relationships and anything that is not serving you are a moving force. I think the lyrics of Striking Matches may seem directly correlated to a person or relationship with them but I look at it as much more broad. Any number of things can not be serving you that you are putting your time into that you don’t enjoy. Im not saying neglect what you’ve got to get done and do but I’ve noticed recently there were jobs that I hated and yet I kept coming back to day after day even though it was slowly killing me inside. When I had a stroke a few months back it just shifted my mindset and I don’t plan on doing jobs or having relationships that don’t serve me going forward. But the best part is, it’s not been a waste of time because it’s gotten you here, to this exact point. Perhaps even to the realization that you needed to see that this wasn’t serving you. So don’t get down on yourself over it just learn what you can do going forward to better direct and serve yourself. Much Love TB