pop singer

Summer Bummer

Very ironically I wrote this song kind of about myself.

I recently had a stroke and before then I would get so upset over sometimes the most minute of things. After the stroke I really have much more of an appreciation for the exact second of the present and every given minute of my day. I think I received a much needed reset that has shown me so many things about myself that I needed to work on. I think the old me would be almost annoyed or feel too overwhelmed at the list of things I need to work on but the new me says, no it’s okay I can do this. So yes there are certainly a few Summer Bummer’s (girls Ive been with lol) that this song definitely triggers emotions of but hilariously I relate to it myself more than anything. It just goes to show you need to recalibrate sometimes when life gets too heavy, sometimes you have to stop while everyone else seems to be passing you, pull this car over and unload the baggage that you’ve been carrying for far too long. So I hope you unload your baggage. Don’t be your own Summer Bummer. Much love TB

Heart of Stone

This track was huge for me. It was very liberating finally releasing this song, not specifically this track itself because I actually wrote my second release “Chase” before this one was finished. But more so the fact that I FINALLY was releasing music that I always wanted to try (pop/hip hop/softer than metal lol) and was fully independent and happy with.

I always felt super insecure about my singing voice but metal allowed me to get past that but at a certain point its like a breakthrough to force yourself into a state of fear because in this case it made me grow and gave me confidence. The entire lyrics are directly related to the feeling I felt actually during writing ‘Chase’ & ‘Heart of Stone’. I hope the song can help anyone else who feels like they need to do something but they haven’t quite committed to it yet. Go with your gut and push towards what you feel is right. Break away from that heart of stone. Much Love TB